Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lyrics and Life

"When the rain is pouring down and my heart is hurting
You will always be around, this I know for certain
You and me together through the days and nights
I don't worry cuz everything's gonna be all right"
'No One'- Alicia Keys
Have you ever been in a tough spot, where you don't know what to do, who to ask for help, and can't even begin to imagine how it'll change your life? How do you react?- cry? scream? get angry? retreat into your room and blast Alicia Keys through the house? or look for someone to blame it all on?
Have you ever been so scared and defeated that all you can do is cry? Tears are flowing down your cheek without you even realizing they're flowing? You keep imagining all the horrible possibilities even though you've told yourself to stay positive. You keep praying the same prayer over and over and the tears keep flowing.
But then someone walks into the room and smiles the cutest smile and you can't help but think that as long as they're there with you, everything's gonna be all right...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Someone else

What if you could travel to a parallel dimension and see yourself as someone else? What kind of person would you be? What if you were smarter? richer? uglier? fatter? Would you like this alternate you? If you could, would change yourself? Do you ever wish you were someone else?

It's so amazing how every little event, detail, and person has shaped and molded your life in some way and has made it was it is right now. The people you saw during your trip to the store when you were five or the Keanu Reeves movie you saw when you were in second grade. Even though these little events seem insignificant, imagine how your life would have been like had you not experienced them. I would never have realized at such an early age that some people are rude and degrading to their own kids or that I really love fast vehicles speeding down highways (the Keanu Reeves movie was Speed). Then there are some really big factors that have shaped your life like where you grew up, the school you went to, being the youngest or eldest child. These have a more dramatic effect on your current personality. I don't know why but I keep wondering who I would have been had these little and big details been different....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Inspiration! (quotes & calculus?!)

"We know the truth, not only by the reason but by the heart" - Blaise Pascal

But what if the truth that I know is different from the truth that you know, is it still true? (Like in Calculus if the right hand limit is different from the left hand limit, the limit does not exist...)
Then does our truth not exist?

Imagine, a self-proclaimed math-hater being inspired by calculus! What has the world come to?! Anyway, I should get back to studying... (thankfully its not a calculus hourly tomorow- that torture is reserved for another day!)

I wonder if the person who inspired this post will ever happen to stumble across this blog.... I hope they appreciate it! ;)