Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Shaky Ladder

If I may ( of course I may, its my blog!), I would like to narrate a tale to you about a girl.
You know that girl...the girl who everyone thinks is shy, cute, smart , couldn't hurt a fly...always doing good in school, polite, her parents adore her, her big bro and sis protect her, the sweet baby of the family... this story's about her

It was true that she was what everyone thought she was. She was kind (at times.. rarely.. on occasion), she was shy (around people she didnt know too well) and she couldnt hurt a fly (cuz seriously who CAN hurt a fly, they're too fast! unless you're Obama-San hiya!... sorry), but most importantly her parents ADORED her. They would go to great lenghts to protect her from harm and keep her safe. They would always pick and drop her to school,she never had to sit on those stinky school buses. They made sure her mama or brother were nearby if she had to go out for a project or field research. And lots of other small things they would do like once, she recalled, that while replacing a lightbulb her dad held the shaky yellow ladder she stood on. And at times she would feel her life was way too overprotected, that she didn't need their constant supervision (read: support) but at the same time she knew they were only doing it out of love and concern for her. She knew she couldn't have done any of the things she got to do without that same support and care. But now, since her Daddy left, she's not sure who will hold the shaky ladder for her, if any one would even want to hold the ladder for her. She knows she can change a light bulb on her own but it's always nice to know you have someone on the ground for you, letting you do what you have to do, climb up as far as you can go, but also being there to catch you if you happen to mess up and fall. She's just not sure she has someone she can trust that much...