Friday, January 22, 2010

Dreams Suck 2

Again, they really do!!!
I just had a dream about him last night. he was in the hospital, perfectly happy healthy he looked great to me... he was annoyed at being kept there for so long..he needed to get up, get to work, get out of that dreadful dreary room but those stupid doctors were keeping him for no reason. then me and him decided to sneak out... i un-hooked all those horrid IVs gushing poison into my daddy he sprung up off the bed and we ran out of there before those monstrous nurses could get us... i woke up thinking he was home, in his room, probably getting ready to go to work... imagine my dismay when i realized that was so from the truth...
And it's funny that i only remember him happy and healthy i have very little recollection of how he looked when he was sick. being the deranged person that i am, i took pictures of him during that time but i can't bring myself to look at them...i only want to see him in my mind's eye as he always was- strong, sweet and happy...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


i have a lot many thoughts floating, actually, whizzing around in my mind right now and im afraid i can't get them translated into coherent words and sentences fast enough. but i can tell you this much, they're all revolving around this one nasty word: