Friday, November 14, 2014

Selfish world

What is this place? Why is everyone so self-centered? Does anyone care about any one but themselves? People hardly call each other up to ask how the other is doing unless they have some other  business to discuss. and forget about visiting each other! Every action seems to have a motive behind it, where is the emotion? Why has compassion and empathy been taken over by consumption and greed? Parents are far too willing to leave their babies with strangers just to earn a few extra dollars. Family gatherings are neglected because work comes first. Even children don't have time to look up from their ipads at the dinner table.

The "holiday" season is gearing up in the US but sadly it's less of a celebration and more of a sale. Discounts, promotions, coupons and deals to distract people from their lonely, empty, purpose-less, greedy lives. Since when have possessions become more valuable than family? Why have people given into their never ending wants? Falling deeper and deeper into debt because they MUST have the next big thing. And what an example to set for your children, you already ignore them each workday of the week then you throw a new gadget at them and expect them to love you. When they grow up to be selfish, materialistic jerks, you wonder what went wrong?!

Try a little compassion. call up a friend. help the poor. visit the ill. thank the Creator above for giving you countless blessings. there's so much more to this life than just money and sales and gadgets. Allah guide us to be less selfish!