Friday, March 5, 2010

A little more than useless

Well if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbye?
-Kris Allen

I sometimes wonder if anything I do ever makes an impact. Do my actions really cause any reactions, any repercussions in this world? Have I really ever helped anyone?; scarred anyone?inspired anyone?; became irreplaceable to anyone? My contributions to people around me are so few and unnoticeable and I'm afraid I never will be a significant piece of their lives.
Which makes me think if I truly deserve all these amazing things (and people) in my life. I never did much good to justify my having this blessed life. I know I'm always thankful for it but did I really earn it? Doesn't it seem like someone else out there is more deserving; someone more pious, more honest, more honorable? It just boggles me at times then I get caught up in everything and these thoughts get whisked away like a candy wrapper on a breezy day; but they always manage to come creeping back in...

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