Sunday, May 30, 2010


If we crawl till we can walk again
then we'll run until we're strong enough to jump
then we'll fly until there is no end
-Chris Brown

Note: I was boycotting Chris Brown for the past year cuz he was such a jerk for beating up Rihanna but I think he has redeemed himself with this song (only a little tho)

What would it feel like to do something so awful and ruthless? to cause such irreparable damage to another person? why are there cruel people in the world? And what about those tortured souls who kill others- where do they get their hatred from? and why do good people have to suffer at their hands? *sigh* this world sucks.......

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Why did they have to restrict YouTube?!! What did poor YouTube do? Fine block Facebook but YouTube!?!!? *sigh*
And besides blocking Facebook in response to this immature and childish attempt to mock Muslims is quite futile in my opinion. If people are that ignorant, cruel, and pig-headed, no amount of protest, rants and rallies will change their minds. No matter how many logical level-headed comments I've posted in defense of Islam, the Prophet (PBUH), hijab or women's rights on various forums it hardly ever has any effect. The next few posts are again degrading crude comments based on stereotypical and biased assumptions.
So what will banning Facebook and YouTube do for our cause? You can't change their minds, they're stuck in their pitiful and disgusting states; why bother with them?!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Funny, Ain't it?

It's funny how people think I'm nice, smart, sweet, pretty(=/), and an overall perfect girl! HAHAHA!!
Dude, you have no idea! I guess it's my appearance. i look like a freakin baby! and my squeaky voice doesn't help much! nor does the fact that i'm totally dependant on my mama! wow! the perfect girl is just a perfect baby not the image of perfection per se. As for my smartness (see that's not even a word!) or (dare i say) good looks in my opinion i have neither in enviable amounts. I admit I might be nice sometimes to people who don't know me too well but overall im kind of a jerk, obnoxious and rude. So yeah i just wish i could stop deluding people :/

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stifled Scream


there now that feels better :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Zoom Zoom

I was going through my old semester files and came across my Speech Communication write-up about 'my passion'. I had so much fun giving that speech it was perfectly delivered and I got the reactions I was hoping for. That speech really changed a lot of things for me. The biggest thing was that I realized I'm not a bad public speaker especially when I'm talking about something truly important to me. I really admire my Speech Comm. teacher Dr. Huma Naz Baqai and i was thrilled that I got good feedback from her. If you're interested here's my speech:

I’m passionate about.... cars! I know you could never tell by looking at me but its true! Im just obsessed about cars especially sports cars. You know the ones that have the $100,000 plus price tags, sleek bodies and amazing features. I’m just crazy about them. And not the typical mustangs, corvettes and hot rods. I like only a select few like the Nissan 350z and the Lexus IS and the Mitsubishi eclipse.

I guess its because I have this fascination with speed and moving at a fast pace. Sports cars stand for just that. Thrills, excitement, and precision movements. It just seems so irresistible. I honestly don’t care about the difference between a V6 and a V8 engine or what kind of shock absorbers are in the car. I’m only interested in its design and structure the colors the interior and all the cool gadgets inside like navigation systems and this new start/stop button which replaces the traditional key.

I also feel that this passion has changed my personality because im always trying to move be quick and get things done. As my friends may tell you sometimes I get a little too pushy when I want to get something done.

I realized this passion when I was still living in New York and was around 13 years old. when I saw my first favorite car- the new Volkswagen Beetle. It’s a really compact and cute car and this young woman was driving it and she just looked so happy and satisfied and in control of her life and I thought I could be that girl someday with my own amazing car and the freedom to do whatever I wanted. And that’s what driving and cars represent for me a sense of liberation freedom and power. Then I thought that if I am driving why not drive an incredibly amazing car?

So that’s how it started and kind of got out of control. When we would go out somewhere I would be on the lookout for new cars when id spot one id like I would go home and order its brochure online. And when I got it in the mail I’d be satisfied for a few days till I got the next one. (Hold up Nissan) this is just one of the brochures I have ordered the rest of the stash is at home.

But that all changed when I came to Pakistan. I only got to see Suzuki’s, Toyotas and Hondas and my passion simmered down. But its still there and surfaces sometimes when I hear about a new car like the Porsche 911 GT2 which is my current favorite or watch movies like the Fast and the Furious.

As I mentioned earlier driving is important to me because it gives me a sense of control and small amount of power. My parents didn’t realize how important it was to me till I constantly pestered them into letting me take driving lessons. Even I was apprehensive at first considering Karachi’s absurd traffic but I willed myself to push forward and go for it. Then finally this past summer I took driving lessons and felt totally at ease

I just like to imagine myself driving my car on an open road, my favorite music playing the rhythmic dance of the clutch-brake-gas and the hum of the engine and being in control of everything. It may sound dramatic but it puts an image of hope and aspiration when I daydream about my car.

So perhaps one day I could open my own car showroom, or someday be in a position to actually buy one or maybe all my dream cars but for now im content with just dreaming about them because it doesn’t hurt to dream right?

Good times :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just a Boring Sunday

It's one of those days, when you have too much free time and your mind starts to wander. my mind usually wanders back in time to when things seemed simpler, easier, happier
I was recalling lazy Sundays when we would wake up late. Me and mama would make 'unda and paratha'- uboo's favorite breakfast. then we'd all read our newspapers, joke around, talk about vacation plans and then the Sunday visitors would start coming, mostly Uboo's friends. He'd ask me to make chai or sharbat depending on whether the guests were in a hurry. But mostly it was chai cuz after all my daddy was great company to be around and they wouldn't want to leave too quickly. And when I would bring him the tray he would just smile at me ( the kind of smile only me and Uboojee shared hehe) and my annoyance of having to do kitchen work on a Sunday would just wash away. Then as evening fell and there was nothing else to do, we would all coax Uboo into taking us out for dinner. Sometimes he'd only agree to go someplace nearby but then other times he'd take us to the nicest restaurant in the city- no reason, no celebration just because. Those were the best kinds of Sundays- Lazy yet spontaneous, but most of all, happy :)