Tuesday, June 22, 2010

fake fake fake

I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings...
Taylor Swift

Contacts/networks/sources only work when the original 'contact-maker' is involved in the process. No one really recognizes the daughter of said contact-maker and no one really gives a damn when the contact-maker is not in the picture. Sure they'll throw you a bone for old time's sake but then they kinda give you the impression like 'seriously you thought we would take you in?! haha uh.. no!' and sure they're really nice, polite, and 'caring' but when it comes down to it they just aren't gonna help. It's funny how people change when circumstances change. It's funny how you don't know people's motives and intentions beforehand. I wish people could stay steadfast and pure in their intentions. I wish for a lot of silly things don't I? I expect too much from humanity. When will I get it through my thick skull that people aren't nice, they don't care, they have their own motivations and helping out someone else's kid for the sake of helping someone out is not one of them. Well you know what man, I am my father's daughter i can manage without your help. I'm not some poor soul, defenseless, and lost. I have my Almighty's love and my daddy's spirit right by my side so screw you and your fake support! :P

Next day retraction: Some people are nice, like really really nice. See the world ain't so bad

Monday, June 14, 2010

I wish I was.... me!

Despite my many (many) flaws I've come to forgive myself for whatever. For not being so smart with numbers, for not being a social butterfly, for not living up to my own expectations at times, for not getting what I set out to get. Whatever, it's all good! No one can be great at everything and no one can have it all. And yeah I do have an external locus of control. I beleive in destiny- it'll be if it's meant to be. I can't fight what's already been set out for me. It's taken me time to realize it but now I'm comfortable in my own skin. I like me and I don't ever wish I was anyone else. Of course I do wish I can keep improving myself and grow into something better but that 'something better' should be an improved picture of me- not a reflection of anyone else.

It surprises me when people complain about how they wish they were different somehow, had things that others have, had that girl's hair, her eyes, her personality. Seriously? why? Why can't you be happy with what you have? Appreciate your own attributes? You do have it you just don't want to see it. You just like wallowing in self-pity. Be happy with you, content with what you have, grateful for it all. just for a second imagine not even having this much... (sends a chill down your spine right?)

I mean, it's such a drag to hear people go on and on about how they suck at this or aren't good enough for that. Get over it man! Look at what you do have!! Look at what you can do!! If you just realize that, you'll be a much happier person. And maybe I won't have to hear you complain anymore :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Selfish Mind

Now when I think about what happened, a small flashback even, it hits me like a pile of bricks; my stomach lurches, my mind reels. Did all that really happen? My sweet daddy went through all that pain for real? Did I just imagine all those horrible things? Can he really be gone? Isn't' he just back in NY? You must be lying- he's not gone. He's right there! Why don't you see him? Why can't I see him? Why am i forgetting? God, my memory sucks. Every painful thing it wipes away. Let me hold on to them you selfish defense mechanism! Those are my memories- how dare you erase them! And why are you also screwing with my happy memories? I'm forgetting the sound of his voice, the way he walked, the way he held the phone to his ear, his laugh, the way the world seemed perfectly safe when he hugged me, his favorite cologne, the way he ate.. It's all getting fuzzy....not good NOT good!!!

Its his birthday today. He would be 60. I can't remember one birthday of his we didn't celebrate maybe it was just an e-card or a childish hand-made one with glitter and hearts or at least a special dinner. *sigh* Allah bless his soul, he was such a sweet man.