Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Cordoba House, oh excuse me, Park51
warm n happy love love love!!!!!
Now to Cordoba House..What is wrong with people? So what if they're building an Islamic Culture Center near Ground Zero? How is that offensive? How can people be protesting it? Has anyone ever protested the construction of a church, synagogue or temple? No! Americans are going overboard in their Islamophobia and in New York City of all places! I might even see it happening down south but in the melting pot of the world? seriously? that's just uggh unbelievable. I was reading some bias-ass loser's 'newspaper' article (if you can call that journalism)and they compared building this center to erecting a monument to kamikaze fighters at Pearl Harbor. That's so...ummm...wrong! How can a few apparent 'moslems' who carried out a cruel act represent the whole Islamic faith? It really makes no sense. Is the Christian faith deemed evil if a few priests commit crude acts? It's the person not the faith they claim to follow so stop painting all Muslims and Islam with the same 'terrorist brush'.
And besides this center is for the whole community to gather and meet, not for alienating others from Islam. So you can quit your whining and protesting already! Bunch of ignorant racist moops! (just watched that episode of Seinfeld!)
One point bothers me though is that they changed the name from Cordoba House to Park51 how lame is that? Anyway, I hope New Yorkers grow a brain and stop protesting the project.. are they even true New Yorkers? If they were I doubt they'd even give a damn about some new building being constructed fuhgeddaboutit!
Monday, July 5, 2010
On the Clock
This time I was thinking about working full time. Its not about money, its not about getting to the top, its not about being power hungry and its not about being a hot shot. (hey that rhymed sort of)...The little work experience that I have had, I know I enjoyed it thoroughly. I like being associated with something bigger than me, to particiapte in making things happen, to be productive and useful and of course a paycheck only makes it sweeter. i wonder though that after I stop studying (I was gonna say complete my studies but I still have the teeny tiny desire to study further but not any time soon) so after I stop studying I wonder if I would be able to step into the business world and shake things up. I wonder if i would be able to manage my responsibilites completly. The work-life balance is a tricky one to master and I doubt if I am one to do it well. I would love to tho I mean that would be awesome but both sides are so demanding of your time, energy, and patience. How do these women handle it all? i'm sure they have domestic help something I totally despise (why should i have some poor woman run around and clean up my mess? so what if she's paid to do it?! It just seems i dunno irresponsible and snooty) and I'm sure they feel they're missing out on some things- if they give more time to work they miss out at home and if they take time out for the home they get left back at work. It's a sticky situation. but i keep thinking about how rewarding it would be to work-not just the money the internal satisfaction and pride you feel when you know you've finished something or been a part of something huge (or small). I dunno.. i do know i wanna work i just don't know how i'll manage it all...........