Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So I was watching music videos of old songs I heard while growing up and for some insane reason i remembered one particular one that scared the hell out of me when I was like 10 or 11 (and my brother just loved torturing me about it). I knew it was disturbing back then but I'm like hey I'm older now maybe it was really that bad. So here i am at 1 in the night, alone in the basement, watching this demonic video (Marilyn Manson-the beautiful people) and ummm yeah it still creeps me out, but thankfully not as bad as it did when I was younger. (WTH is this guy's problem anyway?) Whatever, I couldn't finish watching it I really couldn't bear to sit through this guy's absurd idea of 'beautiful people'. Can you say freak show!?!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The current scenario is blatantly telling me that I'm a burden on everyone. I'm not pulling my weight, dumping my problems on others and stopping those close to me from living their lives. I feel like a useless jerk, taking up other people's time and efforts just so I can benefit. It really sucks. And once one party 'gets rid of me', my responsibility will be thrust upon another poor soul. Lol God help him! If only I were able to live without such powerless-ness and reliance on others, I'd rather be the one other people relied on.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Panic Attack!

heart pounding, knees shaking, hands jittery, body shivering, mind blurring, vision hazy... yup sounds like panic to me!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Brown bagging it- but not for long...

So I woke up extremely late today and I had about five minutes to get ready for school. I rushed, actually stormed, around my room gathering the stuff I needed for the day and my stomache was rumbling with hunger pangs ( which is funny cuz I hardly ever feel hungry anymore) anywho, when I got downstairs I saw my adorable mama had packed a lunch for me- a sandwich, apple and a pack of cookies in a neatly folded brown paper bag. My heart melted at the sight and I felt so blessed to have her with me. She is an awesome strength, a soft shoulder and a warm smile. She's done so much for us for so long and I hardly ever appreciated her for it. And then it hit me- after a few more months, I'll be out of this home, so far from her and all that I've ever known, living on my own, on someone else's turf; with people expecting me to be smart, to handle it all gracefully. Eeek! how will I manage? How can I, retarded Madiha, possibly take care of myself (and another family) without her? *sigh* seems like my brown bagging days are coming to an end.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


These upcoming midterms are making me nostalgic for things that are yet to occur. I wish I had that remote control Adam Sandler had in Click. I want to freeze the next few months and watch them go by in slow motion. I want to savor these last few months of zero responsibility, adorable friends, acting silly, having tons to study but never sitting down and focusing, my overall laziness, and daydreaming about the future. I'm going to miss everything so much- the campus, the people (even the ones I didn't like so much or who were just downright annoying), my office and PC, the crazy teachers, the blood-sucking projects and assignments, making powerpoint slides a few hours before presenting, using technology to 'help' each other on not-so-surprise quizzes, the feeling of belonging and of course the countless, senseless and yet so meaningful convos we had. I'll miss it all soooo much, I wish I could hold on to it all, at least in memory, forever- No wonder they say IBA Forever! :)