Monday, December 13, 2010

Brown bagging it- but not for long...

So I woke up extremely late today and I had about five minutes to get ready for school. I rushed, actually stormed, around my room gathering the stuff I needed for the day and my stomache was rumbling with hunger pangs ( which is funny cuz I hardly ever feel hungry anymore) anywho, when I got downstairs I saw my adorable mama had packed a lunch for me- a sandwich, apple and a pack of cookies in a neatly folded brown paper bag. My heart melted at the sight and I felt so blessed to have her with me. She is an awesome strength, a soft shoulder and a warm smile. She's done so much for us for so long and I hardly ever appreciated her for it. And then it hit me- after a few more months, I'll be out of this home, so far from her and all that I've ever known, living on my own, on someone else's turf; with people expecting me to be smart, to handle it all gracefully. Eeek! how will I manage? How can I, retarded Madiha, possibly take care of myself (and another family) without her? *sigh* seems like my brown bagging days are coming to an end.

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