Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mama madness

I'm like a zombie now. All I do is feed the baby, change the baby's diaper, put the baby down to sleep, and then start again. My mind is totally blank and unable to think of things beyond the baby. And his colicky nights are  icing on the cake. A constantly screaming baby can do wonders for your mental health. By 10:30 the lights are out so baby can sleep and we can gather our senses. You would think I can finally get some 'me-time' but I'm so exhausted by then that I just lie down next to baby and I'm out in a second. Weirdly enough, the bathroom is now my retreat, the one place where no one can bother me.
What bugs me the most is that we can't do things like we used to. Get up and go somewhere without a plan or worry. Now it's the stroller, the car seat, the baby bag, is it too cold out, is he being fussy and on and on. It's better to just stay home and stare at the walls. I'm out of touch with my friends who are all busy in their own lives. But then again what would I talk to them about now? I don't have much to talk about, I mean my life is just about baby now. Would they be interested to know he was extra gassy last night or his poo was orange today? Yeah I doubt that.
Patience is the only thing keeping us sane. Keeping calm and telling yourself he's just a baby when you feel like yelling and pulling your hair out. Mamas are amazing, aren't they? I've totally come to appreciate my mama and all the other mamas out there. this is the toughest job with the least payback. You all (and me too) deserve a break, a big reward, like a day off- no a month off!...but then I'd miss the little booger.. dammit why'd he have to be so cute?


  1. Mamas are amazing. You are amazing! and don't you worry about not having something to talk about. If nothing else, we can always reminisce our memories from IBA! :)
