Tuesday, November 5, 2013

thankless (priceless) job

I don't get weekends or vacations or coffee breaks. I do however get a few minutes to check Facebook or YouTube once the little booger goes down for a nap. Other than that I'm always on. I have to be there if he's playing, if he gets hurt, if he eats a dust bunny, if he's hungry, sleepy, cranky, happy, exploring, destroying, pooping...yeah you get the picture. Now I'm not complaining, I don't want to be anywhere but here and I love being with my cutie pie Alhamdulillah but seriously gimme a break once in a while! You think I'm home all day relaxing, chilling out? Think again! You know what I only wanted for my birthday?  3 hours alone at home to pamper myself- a mini spa day with out little hands grabbing at all my stuff. It was an awesome 3 hours! I'm sure there was a point to this post, I can't remember cuz I gotta go feed a screaming hungry munchkin his dinner! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

another year

another August 17.. another year without my daddy.. is it wrong that i don't know how to grieve anymore, it's like im all drained of tears. no time to cry or remember. i feel heartless and cold.  i visited our old house a few days ago and found his wallet, he had the same store loyalty cards i have now! it was nice to think he went to the same places i go now. it would have been so awesome if he was still here to show us stuff, guide us in this new phase of life, i wanted my baby to meet him and play with him. it's not in my hands, life goes on and everything is in Allah's control. and it's always for our benefit, we just don't realize it till later. May Allah bless his soul and may he always be in peace. Ameen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


How can you sleep?  so peaceful,  so  content,  so  ignorant,  so blind! wake up, stand up, face Him, bow to  Him, thank Him, beg Him before you sleep your eternal slumber. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Pakistan is having its elections tomorrow. the same players who have been put in power before are contesting again and dimwits all over Pakistan are eager to vote for them again!!

there is a new face in the running this time and he seems to be a ray of hope for the country. he talks of change, of ridding the nation of its corruption and dysfunction. he promises a new Pakistan where people will have a chance to succeed, to move out of this outdated system, to bring back the nation our founding fathers dreamed of. Is it too good to be true? Are the naysayers right? Will it just be rigged as always? Will the same thugs be put in office again same as countless times before? Why are the masses so weak? so brainwashed? so deprived that giving their families food rations will sway their votes? Why can't they stand up and rebel? Why are well-off people who have the means to vote freely (and the brains) going to sit at home and let their voices remain silent? Why allow the abusers to have their way? You have the chance to bring change! Use it! Sure there may be rigging but at least you'll know you tried! Get up and do something! Aren't you tired of this s@*t??

I was never into Pakistani politics, it always seemed to be the same story. So and so is abusing power for their own benefit, so and so is laundering money from taxpayers, so and so is allowing their fellow citizens to die like worthless animals in the name of 'collateral damage'. but now when there is a chance for change i don't want it to go to waste. I want a new Pakistan! Don't you?  

Use your voice! Vote Wisely!!! May Allah help us all!