Tuesday, November 5, 2013

thankless (priceless) job

I don't get weekends or vacations or coffee breaks. I do however get a few minutes to check Facebook or YouTube once the little booger goes down for a nap. Other than that I'm always on. I have to be there if he's playing, if he gets hurt, if he eats a dust bunny, if he's hungry, sleepy, cranky, happy, exploring, destroying, pooping...yeah you get the picture. Now I'm not complaining, I don't want to be anywhere but here and I love being with my cutie pie Alhamdulillah but seriously gimme a break once in a while! You think I'm home all day relaxing, chilling out? Think again! You know what I only wanted for my birthday?  3 hours alone at home to pamper myself- a mini spa day with out little hands grabbing at all my stuff. It was an awesome 3 hours! I'm sure there was a point to this post, I can't remember cuz I gotta go feed a screaming hungry munchkin his dinner! 

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