Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Know I'm Wierd, But Are You Really All That Perfect?!

I know I have some unusual tendencies and preferences but does that make me wierd? I mean whose to say what's normal and what's wierd?

Is it wierd if I can't stand drinking milk? Especially if its not ice cold right out of the fridge and followed by a bite of cake or bread? What about my aversion to eating cookies upside down (the flat surface has to be facing down, except if there Oreos, then its ok!) And how about the fact that I get really creeped out by small, symmetrical circular things like the spores on a fern plant (eek getting grossed out just thinking about them!!!) And do you think its "normal" that I ALWAYS have a song in my head (right now its Brian Mcknight's "Back at One") and I don't think I've gone more than 10-15 minutes at a time without a song playing in my mental jukebox.

So yeah, I admit it! I'm wierd! But seriously who could live in a world where everyone's perfect?! That would be soooo boring and redundant! Am I right?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Wish

I've known that I have a craving for speed and moving at light speed for a while now but I only recently discovered that this craving can be satisfied by freakishly, mind-blowing, gut-wrenching roller coasters. I've only been on one coaster The Dragon at Rye Playland, Rye New York. That was fun but tame compared to the outrageous ones they have at Six Flags Great Adventure. There's the Kingda Ka, Medusa, Superman, Nitro and others. I wish i Could one day get up the nerve to ride one of these (and find some poor soul to go with me becuase I can't go it alone!) but for now I'll content myself with videos of these rides: Kingda Ka Medusa Nitro

I Wish...

There were a few things I could not include on my wishlist (you could view that from my profile). The one thing I wish I could do is travel. I want to go everywhere. Malaysia, Greece, Paris, Dubai, San Francisco, Houston (to visit my big sis) and of course the Big Apple (New York, New York: The city so nice they named it twice!)

Most people go to these cities for the landmarks, the sightseeing and the usual touristy stuff.But for me its more about the hotels I would stay in, the elegant restaurants I have dinner at and the airports I rush to to catch my next flight!

There's just something so exhilarating about travelling. Getting your tickets..the cab ride to the airport... takeoff... landing...the luggage carousel... and the reassurance that your boring mundane life is miles away! Right now your sole aim is to have fun , take in everything around you, and share this amazing experience with your loved ones.

Here are some places I would like to visit:

Four Seasons Spa Resort, Langkawi, Malaysia:

Some amazing Greek Island:
The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York:

There are a lot more places I would love to visit. I just hope I get the chance to!

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Title

Life is so unpredictable. You have no control over anything! You don't know if you'll be around tomorrow or next week or ten years from now! And yet people can't help but dream, plan and hope. You're always like I'll do this next week or I'll do that next year even though there's this little nagging feeling in your gut telling you it may not actually be possible. And sometimes that nagging feeling grows till it consumes your thoughts. You're filled with "what ifs" and "maybes" and you can't do much to appease the uneasiness. And then all you can really do is leave it all up to a higher power. He ultimately has control over everyhing right? So why worry yourself crazy over it!? In the end all you can do is keep a goal in mind, work as hard as you can towards it, and then just hope and pray it all works out your way....