Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Know I'm Wierd, But Are You Really All That Perfect?!

I know I have some unusual tendencies and preferences but does that make me wierd? I mean whose to say what's normal and what's wierd?

Is it wierd if I can't stand drinking milk? Especially if its not ice cold right out of the fridge and followed by a bite of cake or bread? What about my aversion to eating cookies upside down (the flat surface has to be facing down, except if there Oreos, then its ok!) And how about the fact that I get really creeped out by small, symmetrical circular things like the spores on a fern plant (eek getting grossed out just thinking about them!!!) And do you think its "normal" that I ALWAYS have a song in my head (right now its Brian Mcknight's "Back at One") and I don't think I've gone more than 10-15 minutes at a time without a song playing in my mental jukebox.

So yeah, I admit it! I'm wierd! But seriously who could live in a world where everyone's perfect?! That would be soooo boring and redundant! Am I right?

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