Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The thread and tweezer

I'm in a pickle..a dilemma..i'm so confused!!
Shaping my eyebrows is...(was?!)... so critical to my 'beautification' it was the only thing that made me feel pretty (apart from my mascara and eyeliner)... i felt so confident and sure of myself after i got them threaded.. i looked good for a while but I just recently (Actually just a few minutes ago) found out that it's actually HARAM?!?! HOw? WHy? What am I gonna do now?! I'm literally in tears right now... You know I stopped wearing eye make-up to university cuz i get that it's defeating the purpose of hijab but my eyebrows were like really important to me... Am I whining and complaining for no reason?-yes, but this is too scary! you do not want to see me without threaded eyebrows--trust me! Oh the uglinessss!

The Hadith says you're not supposed to change Allah's creation so that includes plucking and cutting facial hair (so i guess that applies to men too and them shaving their beards?) except in the case where you look really ugly and your husband is grossed out by you! (I don't think I fall in that category..I hope :/) i read this girl's dilemma too: http://www.muslimah2muslimah.com/2009/03/to-pluck-or-not-to-pluck-that-is.html
Soo.... wow...Now I guess my eyebrows can breathe easy? No more plucking or threading? :/ Allah give me the strength to stay away from my tweezer...oooooh this will be a tough one!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I wonder what they expect from me...what he expects from me... I hope your expectations are not too high, too lofty, too grand because let's face it- i'm a loser! I don't have much to offer you and I doubt I will turn out the way you have pictured me... I'm not sweet, i'm not good looking, and i'm not very practical about life... so yeah... just putting that out there.. hope I didn't burst any bubbles here :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The New Me?? :/

I feel different... i'm not angry all the time anymore, i'm not snippy and rude.... i don't have any sarcastic comebacks anymore... i'm actually nice (well, comparatively!) What happened to my edge? My 'screw-you' mentality? My smirks of contempt? It's as if I actually care about people! I think I would actually feel bad if someone were to trip and fall, before I would just point and laugh! I'm listening to sappy songs on my iPod (which is totally awesome!; thanks again =D) songs like heartbreaker and teenage dream! I'm not focusing on my assignments/projects/ papers.. I don't know...This is freaky.. this is weird.. this is sooo not me!! Maybe it's a good thing?...ugggh...who knows!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Jealous Type

If something's mine-it's ONLY mine! I'm possessive, fiercely loyal, and won't take anyone interfering with my possessions in anyway! So back off, b^$#@ !!! >:)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm better than you- isn't it obvious?!

It's great that you're religious, that you value your beleifs and stay true to them always, but I guess I missed the part where that makes you better than me. You're wrapped up in 10 feet of fabric from head to toe and you ask me to take off my hijab and hand it over to you so you can pray?! Ummm... did your nikab cut off circulation to your brain woman?! What kind of request is that anyway? Do you honestly think I'd whip it off and cover you up in it? Like my hijab is less important than yours?

I dunno... people are weird! Somehow, religion has become a sort of status symbol that people pride over, distinguish themselves based on it, and make others seem inferior because of it. Hello! Have you forgotten a very important Islamic teaching- it's called humility- look it up!