Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The New Me?? :/

I feel different... i'm not angry all the time anymore, i'm not snippy and rude.... i don't have any sarcastic comebacks anymore... i'm actually nice (well, comparatively!) What happened to my edge? My 'screw-you' mentality? My smirks of contempt? It's as if I actually care about people! I think I would actually feel bad if someone were to trip and fall, before I would just point and laugh! I'm listening to sappy songs on my iPod (which is totally awesome!; thanks again =D) songs like heartbreaker and teenage dream! I'm not focusing on my assignments/projects/ papers.. I don't know...This is freaky.. this is weird.. this is sooo not me!! Maybe it's a good thing?...ugggh...who knows!

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