Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm better than you- isn't it obvious?!

It's great that you're religious, that you value your beleifs and stay true to them always, but I guess I missed the part where that makes you better than me. You're wrapped up in 10 feet of fabric from head to toe and you ask me to take off my hijab and hand it over to you so you can pray?! Ummm... did your nikab cut off circulation to your brain woman?! What kind of request is that anyway? Do you honestly think I'd whip it off and cover you up in it? Like my hijab is less important than yours?

I dunno... people are weird! Somehow, religion has become a sort of status symbol that people pride over, distinguish themselves based on it, and make others seem inferior because of it. Hello! Have you forgotten a very important Islamic teaching- it's called humility- look it up!

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