Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was talking to a friend today as she was tweeking her blog. She was talking about how she was trying her best to adopt more Islamic principles into her life. I admire her zeal and pray Allah helps her on this journey.
But it got me wondering why people are so quick to shy away from or outright ridicule someone who is trying to 'move towards the light' if you will. Why, especially in this 'Islamic Republic" of ours, are people so quick to shun any such behavior yet so quick to adopt and actually promote things that are totally against it. Do they truly believe these simple yet such profound principles are outdated and 'backwards' or are they just feeling insecure about their own weaknesses? I mean shouldn't you be encouraging someone who wants to better themselves rather than putting them down? Whatever, it's really not about the people anyway now is it? He's up there watching, He knows what's in your heart, He knows your intentions; if they're pure then you have nothing to worry about.

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