Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Am I a wuss or what?! The painter people painted over all the marks on the walls of the house and i feel like I just lost something. Why am I so emo? It's really annoying sometimes!! I get attached to the silliest things and feel totally empty if I lose them and these are just useless things- like marks on the wall, =S (you don't wanna see me when I lose something or someone important) but then again they're just not marks; they're memories, they've been a part of this house for years and now suddenly they've been wiped clear, as if they were never there. It's hard enough to keep images of our cute little family fresh in my mind, now you go and wipe away the physical remains of it. Great.
At least my room is untouched and I won't allow anyone to move any of Uboo's office stuff in the basement, so don't even ask. His files, his drawers, papers and books, pens and stationary, will stay exactly where he left them as long as I'm around. And I honestly don't give a damn if you think I'm psychotic; that's just how I am, deal with it :P

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