Friday, May 27, 2011

Forget you

I had written a lengthy post about you but then I thought why waste my words on the likes of you. so just... step. If you can't be happy for me then whatever, i don't need your negativity

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Babul ka yeh ghar

I’ll be leaving my parent’s house next month, Inshallah. It’s a big step I know living in a new place. I was watching these old Indian rukhsati songs on YouTube like They’re sweet but dude, why is everyone crying?! They look as if she’s going to her death or her in-laws are like executioners waiting to flip the switch! LOL! Relax people she's not dying, she's just moving out. And it's not like you'll never see her again, in fact most brides go back home the next day! So what's all the fuss about? I guess these silly old people had the idea that once the girl leaves her house there’s no coming back. And the whole idea of ' roh roh key bhulana hai'?! hello! she's still your daughter, is it really possible to forget a whole person? Well, I guess it can be an emotional time but seriously get a grip! No waterworks! (God I hope I don't cry! :S)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

weddings, births, and funerals

Can you believe it's been 10 years exactly since my family and I landed at Jinnah Terminal to start our lives over. I can still remember how sick and grossed out I felt that whole first week, partly from worry and uncertainty, partly from jet lag. But thankfully, it got better over time and now this place feels like home (despite all the problems).
Damn. What a roller coaster ride these ten years have been, with additions to the family and severe losses too. Now I'm wondering where I'll spend the next 10 years and what's to come ahead?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Calling Uboo...

"The system cannot recognize this number. Please call 111 from your mobile for assistance."

...I guess my network doesn't cover heaven :/

Well I just wanted to tell you I'm getting married now to the one you approved for me. You were right, he's a really sweet and nice guy. He's gonna take good care of me and we'll be happy together Inshallah. I miss you I love you I wish you could have been here to to see me off, to say a prayer for us, to give me a big hug. But it's ok, you told me not to worry and I know we have your blessings . I pray you're at peace. I pray I make you proud. I'm so honored to be known as your daughter.

I love you my Uboojee :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Who would have thought that I would become one of those obnoxious, rude, stuck up, annoying little biotches whose monstrous side shines through when their wedding rolls around?! But I can't help it- people are just STUPIDDDD! This is my wedding people, get with it!
I mean it starts out ok, but as their stupidity grows, my patience wears thin. I ask nicely "can I see the purple one"; "no, the purple one"; "the one on your right"; "your OTHER right!"; "Dude, its the only purple one there!!"; "Oh forget it, I'll get it myself!".
And some losers just stare blankly back at me when I'm describing what I want, as if I'm speaking French. And then I get even more annoyed and start speaking in such an arrogant tone; I can hear the bitchiness dripping from my words and I'm thinking is that really me talking? But again why are they so stupid? And my poor mom even gets a little intimidated, then I feel bad, but again..... stupid people make me angry

Oh and the guy at the card printing shop had an issue that why haven't you written 'late' next to your father's name. (Why would I write he's 'late' when he's not even coming?!) but seriously he was so adamant that you should write the truth, I'm like people already know the truth we don't need to reiterate over and over again and he's like but what if I came to your wedding and ask to meet your father, I'm like who the f*** is inviting you!?

Ugggh! stupid, stupid, stupid... I just want this crazy hectic time to be over ASAP!!